Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am located in Rockland County but with online therapy, I can serve anyone in the state of New York.

  • Online therapy is a convenient way to do therapy without having to commute to an office. With a good internet connection, you can feel just as if you were in the therapist’s office.

  • Sorry, I currently don’t offer any in-person sessions.

  • Individual sessions are $180

    Couples sessions are $200

  • Sessions provide a safe place where each person can raise their concerns about the relationship. We discuss these concerns without judgment and help each person gain a deeper understanding of their partner and their respective feelings. Clients learn to see their partners in a better light and regain their feelings of love toward each other

  • The length of time clients spend in therapy varies according to their needs. Many individuals or couples are able to achieve their needs in just a few sessions. Many will want to spend more time in therapy either to overcome certain difficulties or to develop better skills to maximize their love potential.


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